Magdalin Leonard Dorobăţ, Anca Gabriela Turtureanu, Codruţa Mihaela Dobrescu
Full Text PDF | chemical alteration, gelifraction, MSS, porosity, schist, scree.

Scree, as the main result of the gelivation (gelifraction) processes, represents a very interesting habitat type through the ecologic particularities it has. The formation and the spreading of scree is strongly related to the type of rock that generated it. Different types of rock lead to a different behavior against gelifraction and also against meteorization and bio-meteorization (chemical and biochemical alteration). Some of the mechanical features of rocks are defining regarding the higher or lower susceptibility of generating scree. The present paper is the result of the research on the porosity of meso-metamorphical crystalline schist extracted from different types of scree located on the north-western side of Leaota Mountains. It represents the continuation of some research of similar researches on limestone scree in the previously mentioned geographical area, leading to the conclusion that one can make a comparison between the two categories of rocks (limestone and schist) regarding their porosity and the way through which this geo-mechanical feature makes its mark on their behavior against the action of external features. The present paper is part of a complex assembly of researches on the way through which the geological component of the mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS) (in our case, the scree) leads, in a direct or indirect manner, to defining  ecologic particularities of this habitat type and thus it influences the distribution of some zoocoenosis components.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP