Mahmut Kaplan, Nadide Kilinç, Hasan Pinar
Full Text PDF | Annual grass, molecular characterization, SRAP

This study was conducted to determine the genetic similarities/differences of twenty-five annual grass varieties using the SRAP marker system. While the mean polymorphism rate was determined as 87%, the highest polymorphism was determined in the Me4 Em6, Me4 Em7, Me2 Em13, Me4 Em4, Me4 Em9, Me4 Em11, Me4 Em12, Me2 Em14 and Me3 Em2 primer combinations. The lowest polymorphism rate was obtained from Me3 Em3 (70%) primer combination. According to the dendrogram obtained from the molecular characterization of grass varieties using SRAP molecular markers, great variation was observed between the genotypes. The degree of similarity in the dendrogram varied between 0.54-0.90. According to the findings, it can be said that the SRAP marker system was an effective marker system in determining the genetic similarities and differences between different grass varieties. In addition, the variation obtained among the annual grass varieties used in the study can be used both in the grass application and in breeding programs.

Cite this paper: Kaplan, M., Kilinç, N., Pinar, H. (2022). DETERMINATION OF THE GENETIC SIMILARITIES/DIFFERENCES OF SOME ANNUAL GRASS VARIETIES. Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 11(22), 100-107.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP