Adriana Macri, Fulvia Ancuța Manolache
Full Text PDF | food, nutrition, nutritional status, pregnancy.

There are special nutritional requirements in pregnancy, in which the intake of nutrients exerts its action both on the woman and the conception product. Therefore, the balance and diversity are the key of a proper nutrition during the pregnancy. Combining food categories is the best way to ensure nutritional balance during pregnancy period. A market research was performed on a representative sample at national level of 120 persons, in order to identify the nutritional status of pregnant women in this group. The market research highlighted the diet structure of the studied group, the categories of foods consumed weekly by the group members, as well as their frequency of consumption. The results of the study indicated a varied diet of pregnant women, but the frequency of consumption should be reviewed for certain food categories, thus: increased for: milk and dairy products, fish, oily fruits; lower, in fatty foods and salt.

Cite this paper: Macri, A., Manolache, F.A. (2021). NUTRITIONAL STATUS IDENTIFICATION AND EATING HABITS OF A REPRESENTATIVE GROUP OF PREGNANT WOMEN. Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 10(20), 102-111.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP