Luiza Silvia Chiriac, Dumitru T. Murariu
Full Text PDF | ecology, genomic sequences, metagenomics, MG-RAST

Starting from the fact that in a microbial community even the concept of species is poorly defined and often debated, but closely related organisms tend to share a substantial amount of genomic sequences, together with a large number of physiological and biochemical properties, it was developed metagenomics. The discipline of metagenomics, defined as the genomic analysis of all microorganisms in a given niche environment, has evolved as an effort to find out more about the microbial diversity of natural environments, such as soil, seawater and the gastrointestinal tract of vertebrates and invertebrates. The purpose of this paper was to bring in front the discipline of metagenomics which will be used in many scientific areas in the future. Our paper represents a brief review of the literature available on the internet regarding the definition, description of metagenomics but also its possibilities of its application in ecology. Moreover, this paper contains the description of MG-RAST software as bioinformatics method that is suitable for usage of metagenomics in ecological studies.

Cite this paper: Chiriac, L.S., Murariu, D.T. (2021). APPLICATION OF METAGENOMICS IN ECOLOGY: A BRIEF OVERVIEW . Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 10(19), 40-47.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP