Magdalin Leonard Dorobăţ, Codruţa Mihaela Dobrescu
Full Text PDF | Leaota, limestone, mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS), mineralogical composition, scree, shallow subterranean habitats ( SSHs)

The present paper aims to analyze the mineralogical composition of the limestone from the Leaota Mountains ( the northwest region) which is actually an extension of the karst area from the Piatra Craiului Mountains. The behavior of limestones towards external modeling agents depends on this mineralogy. These limestone scree, through their free interclastic spaces, form a mesovoid shallow substrate (MSS), named also shallow subterranean habitat (SSH), populated with a variety of faunistic components, especially invertebrates. The more interclastic spaces that communicate between each other and which are linked, as far as possible with deep underground environment (caves), but also with the surface (edaphic environment), the microfauna is more diverse. Chemical and biochemical alteration processes (whether meteorization) in turn lead to the stabilization of the scree (superficial underground environment) through the appearance of residual clays, the installation of vegetation, the filling of the interclastical voids. In this way, the gradual disappearance of these free spaces, which allow to live  the invertebrates. For this reason, we analyze the mineralogical composition of these limestones, indirectly this composition influencing the existence of the invertebrates in the scree.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP