Gabriela Şovărel, Ana-Emilia Cenuşă, Marcel Costache , Simona-Ştefania Hogea
Full Text PDF | pathogens, simultaneous control, efficacy, yield.

The experience which was conducted at the R.I.V.F.G. Vidra, in 2018, under high pastic tunnels had as purpose determining the efficacy of different combinations of fungicides used for simultaneous control of pathogens in melon crop. The experience had 10 variants, in 4 replications, located randomly. The experimental variants  were as follows: V1. Melody Compact 49 WG 0.2% + King 0.05%; V2. Melody Compact 49 WG 0.2% + Systhane Forte 0.02%; V3. Melody Compact 49 WG 0.2% + Ortiva Top 0.1%; V4. Aliette 80 WG 0.2% + King 0.05%; V5. Aliette 80 WG 0.2% +  Systhane Forte 0.02%; V6. Aliette 80 WG 0.2% + Ortiva Top 0.1%; V7. Acrobat MZ 69 WG 0.2% + King 0.05%; V8. Acrobat MZ 69 WG 0.2% + Systhane Forte 0.02%; V9. Acrobat MZ 69 WG 0.2% + Ortiva Top 0.1%; V10. Untreated control. During the growing season, the attack of the following pathogens was manifested: Sphaerotheca fuliginea (DA=94.9%), Pseudoperonospora cubensis (DA=24.9%) and Alternaria cucumerina (DA=12.7%). The mean efficacy of combinations of fungicides recorded the highest values for variants 3 (88.7%),  9 (87.8%) and  6 (86.1%). Regarding the obtained yield, the best variants were:  3 (51.8 t/ha), 9 (51.5 t/ha) and 1 (51.2 t/ha), while at variant 10 untreated control, this was only 31.8 t/ha.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP