Ciprian-Nicolae Popa, Radiana-Maria Tamba-Berehoiu, Luminita Valerica Visan, Vasilica Simion
Full Text PDF | Dropia variety, falling number, Flamura 85 variety, Fundulea 4 variety, sprouted wheat kernels.

The Falling  number FN (s) and the Sprouted Wheat Kernel SWK % (ISO 3093, SR  ISO7979:2001) were  analyzed for 3 varieties of wheat, Dropia, Flamura 85 and Fundulea 4, mainly cultivated in the  southern region of Romania. The descriptive statistics highlighted the extremely high variability coefficients of SWK, namely: 182.93 % at Dropia, 99.35 % at Flamura 85 and 152.60 % at Fundulea 4 variety. The t test did not reveal significant differences between the SWK means and between the FN  means in the three varieties, with the exception of FN means between Dropia and Fundulea 4 (t=2.410*; F ratio=1.246*; p<0.05). The Shapiro-Wilk  normality test of FN and SWK distributions, highlighted that FN distribution at Dropia, SWK at Flamura 85 and SWK at Fundulea 4, were not normal  (w=0.871***, 0.784***, 0.638***, p<0.01). Spearman correlations between FN and SWK were negative significant in all wheat varieties (-0.521** at Dropia, -0.373* at Flamura 85 and -0.688** at  Fundulea  4). The best regressions models, describing the relationship between FN and SWK in the Dropia and Fundulea 4 varieties, were exponential respectively logarithmic (r2 = 0.75; r2 = 0.59). For the Flamura 85 variety, no suitable regression model was identified (r2 = 0.15). The maximum SWK level at which minimum wheat bakery quality was achieved (FN = min. 180 s) was 2.95 % for Dropia and 1.86 % for Fundulea 4.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP