Daniela Giosanu, Mircea Bărbuceanu, Marian Anghel, Loredana Vîjan
Full Text PDF | Folin Ciocilteu, spectroscopy, total polyphenols, wine.

It is well known that the bioactive compounds could have a benefic or harmful effects on human health. Recent studies point out the role of polyphenolic compounds in antioxidant activities. Wine polyphenols are considered the main responsible molecules present in wine to have beneficial effects on cardiac health and atherosclerosis, including neurological and carcinogenic illnesses. For this reason, in this paper we determined the content of polyphenolic compounds from different sample of red and white Romanian wines. It was used the Folin-Cocîlteu method. The obtained results are interpreted according to: grape varieties, agroecological conditions of vineyards (terroir), the vinification process, special winemaking procedures, microbial metabolism related to the fermentative process, climate conditions and other additional procedures like aging.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP