Viorel Enache, Mihaela Croitoru
Full Text PDF | bursting, flowering, temperatures, varieties.

Climate change in the sandy soil area in the three experimental years has been manifested by increasing the average air temperature that led to early spring installation. On the sandy soils of Dăbuleni were recorded maximum temperatures of  29.4°C in the second decade of April 2015 and 30.1-31.40C in the second decade of April in 2016, periods followed by days of rain that negatively affected the binding of fruits to plum, cherry and  sour cherry. In these species phenophase of swelling buds and beginning bursting, starting in the last decade of March, in the sandy soil area of Dăbuleni, and the early phenophase starts in the second and third decades of April. Under the condition 2015, at species plum, the first variety that flourished was 'Stanley' (11 IV), followed by 'Carpatin' and 'Tuleu Gras', (12 IV) and the last variety 'Minerva' 14- IV). In 2016, 'Stanley' was the first variety to flourish. Swelling buds at cherry in year 2015, took place between 27-29- III, in 2016 between 29-30 IV and in 2017 between 29-31, the bursting being in the first decade of April in all the studied varieties. At sour cherry species in year 2015 swelling buds took place between 21-23- III, in 2016 between 24-26, and in 2017 between 25-27, the bursting being in the last decade of March in all the studied varieties.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP