Silvana Mihaela Dănăilă-Guidea, Luminiţa-Valerica Vişan, Ricuţa-Vasilica Dobrinoiu, Dragoş Perşoiu, Mihai Ioniţă
Full Text PDF | culture technology, direct caulogenesis, Moringa oleifera

In Romania, M. oleifera Lam. species caught the attention of growers and consumers only with five years ago. Because planting material for commercial cultivation is now very low accesible, as for the culture establishment, like many other species of cultivated plants M.oleifera Lam., tehniques "in vitro" culture applications have the outstanding contributions to overcoming of the limits facing culture technology of this species. First, the attention is given to rapid multiplication of biological material genetically pure and at the same time is free from diseases and pests. The method of micropropagation by axillary branching method using apical buds as explants and nodal explants from seedlings was initiated in this study. Cultures were initiated by multiple shoots on MS medium containing variable concentrations of BA 1.0-2.5 mg/l and IBA 0.2 mg/l. Maximum shoot proliferation was achieved on medium containing BA more than 2.0 mg /l  and 0.2 mg/l IBA within 3 subcultures. The proliferation of shoots was improved in the medium of the same composition after the addition of citric acid as an antioxidant in reducing the emission of polyphenols. A maximum rate of 5 copies of shoots was performed on the addition of citric acid (10 mg/l) in the environment. Leaves were excised from the M.oleifera Lam. plants propagated through "in vitro", for callus induction.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP