Adriana Bădulescu, Ion Tiţa
Full Text PDF | tomato, variety new, type of growth, maturity for harvesting.

Lately consumer demands quality vegetables, especially tomatoes experienced a pronounced orientation towards sensory seeking and appreciating as much flavor and aroma specific red even at the expense of the commercial aspect of the fruit perfectly. Varieties presented in this paper were obtained at INCDBH Ştefăneşti Arges, after several research papers in many years and was approved in 2012. The  paper presents two varieties of tomatoes growing determined that Arges 11 and Arges 20 varieties tomato INCDBH approved to have been a resurgence of vegetable research in the area, which were discontinued for more than 20.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP