Mădălina Cristina Marian
Full Text PDF | landslide, access road, topographic surveys, ditch consolidations.

Following heavy rains, a landslide took place on a rural road which connects two national roads in Argeş County. The platform of the road has been destroyed to a great length, because of the heavy rains with high intensity and duration. The analyzed road is of great interest to the local population as it provides the access road of people from several villages. The current study aimed at the proposal of restoration works in order to diminish the effects of the natural disaster on this road. The area was firstly studied topographically, then from a climatic, geological and even cadastral point of view (legal and economic). According to the undertaken studies, a series of works were proposed in order to deal with the current situation, but also to reduce the risk of landslide reactivation. The proposed works were classical works of land reclamation, such as gabions. It is important for the solutions to be simple, found in due time and have logical directions to be followed in the future. 

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP